battery life v1011 full apk app

Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: Battery life is our battery professional and is a customizable animated widget to show your remaining battery life and percentage on your android screen.

Place Battery life on any screen to know exactly the amount of battery life you have left. Open to show you almost everything about your devices battery system and information.

To open: Long press on the screen > tap widget > tap Battery life + >

Then configure the widget they way you like choosing the color of the animated widget and other features.

Battery life professional can also open any other application or activity.

Features :
Choose from 8 different animated battery widget colors.
Widget can function as a shortcut to open others.
Shows battery life left in real time and percentage.
Open to show you everything about your power system.
No ads or banners in this widget.

Download Instructions:

More Apk Smart Clock Appmedia

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